Pressemitteilungen zum Thema "mobility"
mobility Pressemeldungen passend zum Suchbegriff mobility im Presseportal
Pressemitteilungen zum Suchbegriff-Schlagwort mobility
Putting the Space into Logistics
(Mynewsdesk) Munich, September 17th 2014 Providers of logistics services face a lot of challenges: fierce competition, relentless cost pressures, ever-increasing energy prices, stringent emissions legislation and the requirement for accurately-measured carbon footprints. This can put a lot of strain on such organisations, so in order to provide assistance in this respect the Deutsche Bahn subsidiary DB Schenker is developing a transport and ...
Field experiment in the Server
(Mynewsdesk) Pilot project on „Industry 4.0“ in Saxony-Anhalt Crowned with Success.Two combined harvesters cut and harvest a swath as wide as 12 m in the field of the Landwirtschaftliche Genossenschaft APH Hinsdorf, a farm cooperative near Köthen. Before the grain tank of the harvester gets filled and it stops its work, a software informs about the next transfer vehicle. A tractor that will take the grains to the silo drives past. The ...
The medication logistics providers
(Mynewsdesk) In Saxony-Anhalt, the Salutas Pharma GmbH Company operates one of the largest pharmaceutical centres in Europe.Sometimes it is a question of minutes. Even if the day a new generic medicine is to be delivered for the first time is a public holiday, already from midnight the Salutas Pharma plant situated in Barleben near Magdeburg is a hive of activity with pallets and medicine boxes being packed and loaded onto the waiting trucks. ...
Connected Mobility 2025: Durch eine intelligente Mobilitätsvernetzung ließen sich jährlich mehr als 266 Milliarden Dollar weltweit sparen
(ddp direct) Neue Roland Berger-Studie zeigt: Verkehrsprobleme in den 30 größten Städten der Welt kosten jährlich mehr als 266 Milliarden Dollar180.000 Menschen ziehen täglich in die Großstädte weltweit – eine große Herausforderung für Verkehr und MobilitätDie Integration verschiedener Transportmittel ermöglicht, die Verkehrssteuerung ökonomisch und ökologisch zu optimierenMobile Endgeräte, schnelle Übertragungstechnologien ...
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