02.08.2013 11:13 Uhr in Wirtschaft & Finanzen von The World Bank

World Bank Statement on Thilawa Special Economic Zone

Kurzfassung: World Bank Statement on Thilawa Special Economic ZoneThe World Bank released the following statement on recent reports regarding the Bank's involvement in the Thilawa Special Economic Zone:"The World ...
[The World Bank - 02.08.2013] World Bank Statement on Thilawa Special Economic Zone

The World Bank released the following statement on recent reports regarding the Bank's involvement in the Thilawa Special Economic Zone:
"The World Bank is not engaged in any ongoing activities for the Thilawa Special Economic Zone, and will not be calculating compensation for local communities affected by this Zone. However, the Government of Myanmar has indicated that it will take action in line with established international good practices and standards including the World Bank's environmental and social safeguards guidelines."

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