Airbus, the French peoples favourite company in 2014 according to the Randstad Awards survey

Kurzfassung: Airbus, the French peoples favourite company in 2014 according to the Randstad Awards surveyAirbus, the worlds leading aircraft manufacturer, has been voted "most attractive company by the French gene ...
[EADS Space Transportation - 21.03.2014] Airbus, the French peoples favourite company in 2014 according to the Randstad Awards survey

Airbus, the worlds leading aircraft manufacturer, has been voted "most attractive company by the French general public in 2014 according to the fifth Randstad Awards survey in France.
Airbus has a strong employer brand image and an excellent reputation: 67 % of the people surveyed declared that they would like to work for the aircraft manufacturer, which represents the highest score. Interesting job content, career development opportunities, high quality training and dynamic management are Airbus main assets according to this survey.
This online survey was carried out in November 2013, with a panel of 12,000 people (employees, job-seekers, students, housewives and pensioners) aged between 18 and 65. They chose Airbus as the most attractive employer in France. Airbus won the number one place out of some 250 companies on the basis of 10 criteria linked to HR topics.
"We are of course extremely honoured by the results of this survey. It is true that Airbus as a company generates passion and innovation, allowing everyone to express their skills to the full and embracing diversity, said Thierry Baril, Chief HR Officer, Airbus Group
Airbus. "Our culture is based on performance and agility with the men and women of the company being its most important asset. The growth we have seen over the last five years has enabled us to hire 16,500 people giving us a high visibility on the job market. The long term career perspective we offer our staff also open up opportunities for personal development.
In October 2013 Airbus also received the award for the most attractive employer in France for the third consecutive year. The company was awarded this title in the context of the "Palmarès Employeurs 2013 prize list drawn up at the request of RegionsJob, in partnership with "lExpress magazine, the "Exclusive RH website and ANDRH (French Association of Human Resources Directors).
Airbus is a global company employing some 61,000 people of over 100 different nationalities in its design and manufacturing facilities in France, Germany, the UK and Spain, as well as subsidiaries in the U.S., China, Japan, the Middle East and India.

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