07.09.2020 15:45 Uhr in Energie & Umwelt von fos4X

PolyTech acquires fos4X to enable better optimization and protection of wind turbine blades
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(Mynewsdesk) Advanced turbine blade designs have the potential to transform wind energy production. To better enable the wind industry to optimize and protect their blades, PolyTech acquires fos4X, a Munich-based innovator of fiber optic sensor technology and data analytics.

Wind turbine rotor blades play a key role in the pursuit of a lower cost of wind energy. In recent years, wind turbine producers have achieved immense progress in innovative blade design, crafting blades that are longer, ... ... weiter lesen Quelle
Pressekontakt Alexander Tindl

Thalkirchner Straße 210
81371 München

+49 89 999542-08
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