23.05.2014 09:44 Uhr in Handel & Dienstleistungen von MWM GmbH & Co. KG

Eco Stone

Slate thin by Design MWM
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If you would like to decorate your flat for your family, you surely want to create a natural and healthy atmosphere. Your children may be able to play everywhere in your flat without risks for their health. To create a natural atmosphere the floor covering is also important. And what is more part of nature itself than a floor covering made out of natural stone?
With natural slate, the rock from ancient times is a modern type of floor covering, that brings a new quality to your flat and of course to your life. ... weiter lesen Quelle
Pressekontakt Herr Michael Wilmes

MWM GmbH & Co. KG
Hüttenstr. 12
59759 Arnsberg

0 29 32 - 475 98 - 01
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